Monday, January 7, 2013

REALITY of Living in Japan as a Foreigner: Pt 3

Getting a Mobile Phone in Japan

Facts to be aware of:

YOU WILL NOT be able to bring your phone from overseas and just get a SIM card. Phone companies just don't do it. SIM cards ALWAYS come with a phone. Yes, even prepaid.
If you go for a monthly payment plan at all (not prepaid), it's always a 24 month contract. You CAN break out of it but there are fees involved. The fees vary between companies and plans. From what I've heard, some of them can be quite reasonable.

What do you need?
  • Alien Registration Card (ARC)
  • Passport
  • Japanese Bank Account Details
  • A friend or co-worker who can translate between Japanese & English.

Get an iPhone!

Ok so I really mean to say get a smartphone... but out of the lot, I'd recommend the iPhone. Why? It's one of the few phones that can easily be set to work ENTIRELY in English. Also, getting apps for it is easy because you can buy prepaid iTunes cards in any convenience store in Japan. Buying apps for an android phone may require you to use a credit card - it's near impossible for a foreigner to get a credit card in Japan.
There are also plenty more apps available for the iPhone than for android phones. Look out for my next post where I discuss the top MUST HAVE apps for foreigners in Japan.

Second reason is this - it's great value for money. With a smartphone in general, you can get a plan with unlimited internet/data for a total all inclusive cost of around 5000-6000Yen per month. Usually any calls or messaging are charged separately in addition to your regular monthly payment. But with the unlimited data, you can use internet based apps like skype, facebook, line, whatsappviber to text and call, even video call for no extra cost.

Which Telco?

So for an iPhone, I could only choose between Softbank and AU. The other major provider is Docomo but they don't have iPhones. Softbank is about 1000Yen cheaper per month and also has more free wifi spots around (like in bars, restaurants, etc.).

I decided to go with AU because...
  • I can use the iPhone overseas with another SIM card when I travel. The Softbank iPhone ONLY works with a Softbank SIM card. I'm sure it can be unlocked but I can't be bothered with all that.
  • AU has a better network coverage around Japan.
  • AU has a better insurance scheme for the phone. If somehow the phone becomes problematic, breaks or gets lost, I can get it replaced with a brand new phone up to 2 times over the 24month contract period. I think there is a small insurance claim fee but can't remember how much it was. With Softbank, they only cover 80% of the cost of either repairing or replacing the phone. Also because of where I live, the process of making an insurance claim is a bigger hassle with Softbank: the phone needs to be sent to their main office in Osaka.

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